Welcome to the CWC!

Let us get to know you by completing the following 3 steps and
submitting your CWC registration request.
Step 0: Login Information
Step 0: Login Information
Step 1: SSO Registration
Step 1: SSO Registration
Step 2: Business Information
Step 2: Business Information
Step 3: Access Requests
Step 3: Access Requests      

Please select appropriate login type
  • If you have Wabtec Email ID, continue registration with your existing Wabtec Email ID and password
  • Do you want to create a new CWC account
Please provide the following information

Please choose a New Username

Username is a company wide Single Sign On Username for Wabtec. It could be any alphanumeric value. No special characters except ., @, -, _.


Confirm Password

  • Password is case-sensitive
  • Must be at least 8 characters long
  • Must contain upper case and lower case letters
  • Must contain at least one number
  • Must contain at least one special character
  • Do not include your username, first name, or last name
  • Your password cannot be any of your last 3 passwords.
  • At least 1 day(s) must have elapsed since you last changed your password.

Please enter Mobile number for SMS to reset Password

Confirm Mobile number

Please enter Contact Details

Security Check

Please type the text you see in the picture above.

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